Welcome to 2017

I believe 2017 is going to be a wonderful year.  Just like every other year it will be marked with it's own set of difficulties and challenges.  That's life.  But my response to those difficulties and challenges will shape my future.

I am believing for God to bring many exciting blessing to 2017.  I will embrace the challenges and the blessings together and trust God to lead me through both with grace.

Today I'm guest posting on The Pearl Press.  The Pearl Press is an online magazine, mostly for women but not entirely, helping us discover beauty under pressure.  I'd love for you to jump over there and check out their site.  They also have a very active Facebook community that you might want to engage with.

I've made my commitments and I've written my life values and I'm ready to live those out with purpose!  

What are you looking forward to in 2017?
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