God told Habukkuk to write the vision and make it plain which is a lot out of context here; however, there is some good in making plans and writing them down. You have to do it.
I've decided to save the bigger things for my 35 list (more on that later), but for now these will do.
+ Join a Gym
+ Visit an exhibit at the Philbrook Museum
+ Take a cooking class
+ Lose 20 pounds (The irony, I know.)
+ No diet coke (Awwww! What am I doing?)
+ Take a weekend trip to Fort Smith, Arkansas
+ Read a book a week (Check out this Pinterest board.)
+ Write at least 1 hand written note to a friend every week
+ Have a high school reunion dinner
+ Visit my sister, Destiny, in Oklahoma City
+ Eat at the Rusty Crane
+ Attend a class at the gym once a week (Zumba here we come!)
+ Visit my alma mater at least once
+ Call my grandparents (both sets) at least once a week
+ Eat at Elote Cafe and Catering
+ Save at least $500
+ Try Gluten free (Let's see what that does to me.)
+ Buy something from Saks Fifth Avenue
+ Eat at Lola's
+ Do one Pinterest project every week
+ Get up at 6am or earlier every morning except Saturdays
+ Go to the Tulsa Ballet
+ Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
+ Eat out only twice a week
+ Pay off one credit card
+ Read every magazine I subscribe to
+ Hook up my wireless printer
+ Always have fresh flowers in my surroundings
That's it...My 30 before 30. They're all seemingly small, but I only have a few months to do them.
Gotta go now. I have to finish all of the diet coke in my house before midnight!

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