Ok...here we go...
What is your favorite TV show of the past?
In order from least favorite to most favorite...actually there's a tie between all four...
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
The Young Riders
Magnum P.I.
Remington Steele
Is it weird to think that all of the leading male characters are still hot because I totally do.
What is your current favorite TV show?
Downton Abbey
Criminal Minds
The Closer
Which reality show would you NEVER do?
I can't imagine myself ever doing a reality show because they're not real. I guess if I had to choose one it would be...
Keeping Up with the Kardashians because I'm not one.
Which reality show would you LOVE to do?
Again...none...maybe the Glee Project.
What is the TV personality/character that you feel is most like you?
This is hard for me...
I guess...
Kyra Sedgwick as Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson
Which TV character would you want to date?
Hands down, Dr. Spencer Reid.
There is no contest!
Well, this is fun. Thanks for taking time to read of my television addiction on the Sunday Social. Thank you to the hosts, Ashley and Neely, for working so hard on this link up. They are so fun!
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